
Periods (In general) are Normal, Natural, and Healthy for a body.

I still see young ladies today facing all the same lack of information I did, and the same stigma, fears, and worries. With that in mind, I decided to write some tips down that may help some of you. Periods aren't easy, and they can be messy, but they aren't necessarily bad things. So I'm going to go over some tips to help. 1. How to know if your period is normal? A period should come every 21-23 days, depending on your body. That makes your cycle 28-30 days. You can mark the calendar and check, sometimes it's good to keep track, in case you need to see a doctor. 2. The average length of a period is 5 days, give or take a few. It's important to note here some ladies are steady 7 days. Some only get three or four days. If your period is going longer than 7 days, or shorter, and coming every few months, you need to see a Gynecologists, this can be a sign of some kind of abnormality, and many women have faced those as well, including myself. 3. Tampons and pads.

#BernieOrBust the Cult of Bernie!

There is an ugly place in all of us, one where we hide things, like a junk drawer. Things that we might have been taught as a kid, or learned along the way. A garbage dump of memories, where all the negative things we learned in our society hides. Some of us know it's there, and we use it to help guide us away from being those bigoted, sexist, racist people who we have seen cluttering the horizon of our world, others have extracted tidbits and used them along the life we lead. You might be tempted to dismiss the fact that the Sanders movement became a religion, bu it did. You might be tempted to say that it isn't littered with sexism, but it is. The cult of Sanders is one of the worst, second only to the cult of Trump. As long as it was only men trying to be president, the world was safely in the hands of male sexism, chauvinism, and men were happy to keep it that way. Along comes Hillary Clinton, and all of her womanhood and the lies that must be believed about her. After

Donald Trump's Toxic America. Welcome to the Idiocracy.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to firebrand America, where stupid is king, and everyone wants to be a cowboy. You know, those guys that ride horses, with the hemorrhoids, and rickets, and lice, and scurvy, who kill innocent animals and people alike. Yep, that's our America. Oh, you meant like the guys from the movies, well, I guess that fits, because America is stupid! We are so stupid, in fact, that we are willing to elect a man who has bankrupted four companies so far, and has a golf course going into bankruptcy. His schools failed, his steaks failed, his companies have failed, and Billionaire Donald, has been the man behind the failure. Don't let that stop you from voting for him. After all its better than an honest black man who worked his way into Harvard and then taught constitutional law. Sure Donald has exactly no foreign policy experience, and he seems to find all his wives outside of America, which is a kind of foreign experience. He doesn't know the first t

John Kasich, and archaic Anti Abortion Men.

You might have thought Roe V Wade ended the battle between the right of a woman to her own body, and the right of the state to treat her like cattle and tell her what to do with her body, but ladies, we aren't out of the breeding barn yet. At least, not with these narrow minded, knuckle dragging, bilovating, mysognists in offices, and places of power. In fact you might want to buy a gun, and form a vaginal militia, because that's the only way your going to get their attention. The lies told by anti abortion fascists include, but are not limited to: breast cancer, god hating you, you dying, the soul of an unformed fetus haunting you, and that your going to live with regrets for your life time. Aren't they trying to help you and protect your health though? Well, if by health you mean, several appointments, being forced to look at what you sincerely want to terminate, driving out of your way, spending your vacation week (If you have it, and trust me, I believe you don&#

It's Berning In America, And Some Of Us Don't Feel The Bern.

At the start of this election cycle I was going to take it easy, I already had my candidate picked, but was willing to listen to what others had to say. Then it happened, Bernie Sanders called Planned Parenthood, "The establishment." That was all he wrote, for me. I was done, and who was this socialist that was now adding the title "Democrat?' What I found out was not anything to be proud of, or happy about. That's okay, because I am a socialist, but I vote Democrat, and I still refuse to vote for Bernie. This man, who, for all intents and purposes, seems to have come from the sky on a cloud, and be the second messiah, has been through nothing. 30 years in the senate, and where was his history? I couldnt't find it. Till I went looking. What I found made me angry, mostly with people who say they are democrats, but with their double standards as well. Bernie Sanders evaded the draft. Not that anyone should be drafted, but we have said forever, if it is goo

Terrorism and Refugees; The Holy Grail Of Ignorant America

Wouldn't it be both amazing and sad to look on the human race as an alien species? Think about all the crazy things you would see, and hear. One species completely isolated from one another, by regions, by water, and by ideologies. America has lost the war on rational thinking, and paranoia is king. Worse than that is the facts surrounding the terrorism, and what in the world is going on. We can't be sure of our neighbors, and we sure can't be sure of ourselves. I remember back in my budding youth when the Internet and I were young, how I loved to talk to people from other countries. I was a Christian back then, and I was curious. I wanted to know why religions couldn't get along. All Abrahamic religions share the same God, so why not just be peaceful about it. So I spent many nights in chat rooms with people from around the world. I soon learned why they couldn't get along. Because everyone had this idea of religion that they created. In atheism we often us

Why religion is a mental illness.

I am respectfully writing a rebuttal to a fellow atheist who says that religion is not a mental illness. This is not an attempt to belittle the work of my fellow atheist, but instead challenge what they think. I have this perspective on religion, that comes from the one church I went to when I was young, but since then have seen many examples of deviant and disturbing behavior on the part of religious people, and religions. That's why I think religion creates, employs, and uses mental illness to its self sustainability. Reason one for my thinking. The external locus of control. You must submit. "We are Borg, you will be assimilated." Religion teaches you to be codependent, you must rely on God, a thing, a higher power, nature, or just the wind for your better self to exist. You're not in control, other forces are driving you and you must either let them, or give into them. I'm not a therapist, but, that's dangerous thinking. Yes, it's sick, and yes it