
Gap Wars. Religions are faling through the cracks.

Recently scientists have identified the protein which reduces or turns off the melanin gene in fish. They call it the golden gene.This and the recent news of the self replicating RNA strand, the cell made in the lab, the discovery of a new fossil(Ardi) scientists are evaluating for the line of human evolution. Science is putting the fear of god disappearing, into creationists. Creationist have very little left. They are clinging to quickly closing gaps. Ones they created in the first place. There are constant attacks on Darwin,  and missing links. The weak arguments made by creationists. Even their brightest and best can only proudly boast we don't know how life started, but those doors are closing. Scientists have made amino acids in the lab. Now with the creation of RNA, which is ribonucleic acids, we are sure to have the key to first life soon. That fills another gap. We all know creationists will deny it when have that basic life. The talk about bananas being made to fit

There is Nothing Sexier than a Feminist Man

It used to be the case that strong men who were a bit on the dangerous side got all the attention. Our Evolution was based on survival of the fittest. It happens to be the reason that so many people carry the DNA of Gangus Khan, that and the fact men could steal women, like they stole horses. If you wanted the ladies, all you had to do was show a little muscle and a large ego. Thankfully times have changed. The new sexy man does not come in spurs, toting an ego the size of Texas. He usually just comes dressed in casual clothes and blue jeans. He also has some new and remodeled ideas. And they look mighty good on him. He does not feel like women are second place, or stupid. He does not tell them their place is in the kitchen or making babies. There is nothing hotter than a feminist man. A man who is educated, and sensible. He helps his wife with the house, and sees that it is not just her place but both or their places to help raise the kids. He does not believe that he owns his

Melinine Mutations, and Why we Have Diversity in Eyes and Skin

Skin, it is an important covering for your body. The whole job of our somatic cells is to protect our skin from damage to DNA by UV rays. Contained in our genetic structure are genes with a determinate amount of melanin. It determines the amount of pigmentation expressed in our phenotype. This has caused the separation of many nations. The question here is why? Looking into our ancestral ties, going back to the chimp-like ancestor, we were likely all very dark pigmented. The ones who carry the largest mutation of inactive genes are those of us with light skin, and blue eyes. For every eye color, and skin color, and hair color that is less than black to dark brown is an inheritance of genes that do not function. This is likely the reason that people who marry a blue eyed person have more brown eyed offspring. Because the DNA will use the functioning genes and pass over the non functional one. When it comes to blue eyes, the lighter they are the more genes that are non functional fo

How to Cope when Everything is a Spiritual Battleground.

I am the kind of atheist who does not believe in a soul. I don't believe that there could be anything to consider a god. I don't buy the bible even as a history book. I dispute that any of it is divine, or holds any moral lessons. I am a thinking rationalizing atheist. I get my truth from facts, and nothing less. But how do you deal when everything is a spiritual battle ground? My mother is one of those Christians who believe that nothing bad will happen to you as long as you think positive. She is convinced that everywhere around her are spirits listening to her thoughts. Some places would label that as schizophrenia. Here we call it religion. These beliefs are so ingrained into her that she does not dare to listen to a word otherwise. She is not alone though, and that is what scares me. It is hard to talk sense and rational thoughts to people who refuse to listen. It does not matter what side of the coin you are on. We can all be a little stuck in our ways, and mostly t

Self Preservation: Life in the Sonderkommando

In 1944 Shlomo Venezia became a prisoner of Auschwitz. One of the most notorious death camps in Germany. During this time he was in a special area of the camp called Sonderkommando. The Sonderkommando was responsible for the gas chambers. Their job was to help usher people into the chamber, after they had gotten undressed, and then drag their bodies out. They were kept away from the other prisoners, and were only allowed to interact with other Sonderkommando. This was to keep other camp prisoners from knowing the mass genocide that took place in the gas chambers. After the people were gassed, and drug out from the chamber, their bodies were burned in ovens that operated twenty four hours a day. Sonderkommando worked twelve hour shifts removing bodies, and cleaning the gas chamber for the next group. For them it became nothing but a job, a way to survive. The endless death and horrors became common place. During his eight months in the Sonderkommando Shlomo saw hundreds of thousand

What is it about Vagina?

What is it about Vagina? You would think that everyone loves vagina since we all came out of one. Only those that came by Cesarean can escape this fact. But you got there by someone having a vagina. They are important things, so it is only right I am proud of mine. My vagina is one of the things that makes me different from men. It is an important fact in who I am. It being part of me has made me me. I like the fact I have one, and so I ask for it to be respected. And I will tell you what respect means to me. Respect is when I can talk about having a vagina without the fear of men calling me a whore for saying it. Respect is when I don't have to make sure no one notices that I have one. Respect is when I get to choose freely what happens to it, and not feel guilty for my choices. Because no woman should have to feel bad about her vagina, or what she does with her vagina. I enjoy being a woman. It feels good attracting the opposite sex, and it is not my fault if you are in

The power of Neurons and what makes me, ME!

The power of Neurons and what makes me, ME! Inside of our skull there is a whole world. Interactions so fast moving, we don't even know they have happened before we react. Professor Gerbig once told me that a neuron can fire off 25 times in one second. Yet it does so faster than I can think about what it is doing. In fact as I think what to write my neurons have already fired out commands for my fingers to move and my eyes. The brain is a well organized machine. So mysterious and complex, that studying it often leaves us more perplexed than when we started. Neurons are a mass of Dendrites, and Axons. They all group together and fire off in the same direction. It is by having these specialized cells we are able to think, and be aware of the world around us. They are hungry and hard working cells. Just a few minutes without air leaves them dying. They are faster than any computer and work from birth to death. In fact scientists are starting to find that when neurons do not fire