
Are some forms of Racism about Sex?

Not all racism can be labeled under the same umbrella. After all some people just hate because they can.Some people hate because they hate themselves, but I challenge you to think about racism and the many factors in its existence. Could one of them be simple and biological?I am talking about mate selection and biological desire. Not the need for hate crimes and human abuses. I take racism very seriously. One of the most fascinating things about humans is mate selection. We often find ourselves drawn to someone, maybe without knowing why. When we get close to a person that peaks our interest we can sweat, get weak, feel the butterflies, and so many more things. All of this has to do with our body dealing with a change in brain chemistry. Yet some people seem to hate other races. In fact they take it so far as to have killed people from other races, just because of the color of their skin. This is a horrible thing, and I am not trying to justify this behavior. In fact I could on

Altruism: Practice what you preach.

Altruism: Practice what you preach. We often hear about religious people acting in kindness. Lets face it, the volunteer to go to other countries and put up housing for the poor. The install electric, and work in hospitals. In short they are kind. It seems very warm and fuzzy on the outside. And really a good deed done is worth the respect. All that work comes at a price though. When they come in with their aid, they also bring their religion. It is one of the problems I have with religious volunteering. A good deed should be good because it was the right thing to do, not because when you are done you can sell your religion and force people to convert out of guilt. After all they were born into poverty, and you took time out of your privileged life to go and help them. I can respect the means but not the method. Christians often make trips to South America. They take bibles and translators. They go and do good deeds and then sell their god, and their hopes of a life after this

The Pope, Africa, Aids, and acts of Genocide.

The Pope, Africa, Aids, and acts of Genocide. Lets talk about sex, aids, and a suffering continent. Africa, oh Africa, no greater cry exists, than one that affects all of humanity. Millions of Africans are dying. The main disease is Aids. What worse human tragedy than one that can be prevented by education. So I am going to blast the pope. Someone needs to hold him responsible, and fix the horrible thing he did. I am not sure how many Africans are Catholic, but I am sure that they are dying. After all they have been told that using condoms spreads disease. Well I want to take some time and educate and spread the word that this is a tragic lie. Condoms do not cause disease, in fact they help prevent it. You have better chances of not getting aids if you use a condom. I know because I am educated in sexual diseases, I have been through sex ed classes, I study biology and diseases. I am a student of science. I know more about Aids than the pope know about sex. This is th

Who put the X in SEX?

Who put the X in SEX? Rachel Johnson Monogamy, we think it is our nature, but biology tells us another tale. Men and women are biologically different. No one can deny that. We are built with different sex organs, and made to do two different things. Males provide the sperm, women provide the eggs. So were we really built to mate and stay together? The answer lies on our reproductive organs. Men make billions and billions of sperms. If men were meant to be monogamous they would not be driven to be so productive of semen. In fact if one man was given the chance he could father thousands of offspring. Yet not every sperm makes a baby. Chances are most of his sperm will die before it gets close to an egg. It is survival of the fittest. Women only produce one egg per 28 days, so this must mean they were meant to be monogamous, right? Well biology is now telling another tale. After it was found that semen can actually fight inside of the vagina. That is right. It is a first co

The Power to Evolve.

 Rachel Johnson Human ancestor was  a fish like creature, something that crawled out of the primordial sea millions of years ago. It changed with the environment, and over time led to other mammals. Tonight we are going to walk with Lucy. On a trail millions of years old. We can walk our way through the struggle, the hardships, the changes and what makes us human. Plus all the hidden wonders we find that tell the tale. Lucy is one of the oldest fossils, while there has been one that is yet disputed. Many places on the net have jumped to put Ardi in the line, but the scientists are still out on that one. Ardipithecus ramidus —belonged to a small-brained, 110-pound (50-kilogram) female nicknamed "Ardi. National Geographic. If Ardi is an ancestor to humans that will bring us to 3.5 million years of human evolution. This means that we have been working on that upright posture, shortening arms, and growing our brain for a very long time. As you can see there is a

Evolved to love.

Evolved to love. Rachel Johnson We learned to love on an evolutionary scale. Far from the places where we are now, the need to nurture and show altruistic behavior evolved not only in humans but many species. But how did we evolve to love?Well that came in the form of brain chemicals and need. We need to be cared for just as much as we care. Humans are biologically driven beings and love is a biological need. What we call love is really based on a raise in the levels of oxytocin in our brain. The chemicall need for nurturing. So why are these so important and how does this work? This takes on an amazing journey through time and evolution, back to the mesozoic, when dinosaurs and small mammals walked the land. We used to think dinosaurs were cold blooded creatures who left their offspring in eggs, in a nest, abandoned to fend for themselves, but now we know that Dino's made good moms and dads. Which means that the need to nurture is as old as 244 million years, or more. W

From Embryo to Baby.

From Embryo to Baby. Rachel Johnson You may think it is an easy process going from being an Egg and Sperm to being a baby. We often take for granted the complex world of reproduction. So Step by step lets walk through what it takes to become a baby. During 7 days a month a woman is fertile. This can be 7 days before menses, or the 7 days of menses, and even up to a couple days after. That is because ovulation (maturing the egg and then releasing it) can happen at any time, once the woman's hormone levels peak. Several eggs actually begin to mature, but normally only one is released, and the other shrink back to size. The egg bursts off of the ovary, and begins floating towards the Fallopian tube. Sperm, that is released from the male, travels up through the uterus, which is a long and dangerous journey. The environment of the uterus can be deadly for a sperm. The uterine walls normally secrete harmful acids, and it is only during ovulation that the fluid in the walls aid t