
Death before Abortion in Ireland.

Last year in Ireland a woman paid the price for getting pregnant, with her life. She was denied  the termination if her pregnancy after it was discovered that the fetus would not be viable and she was going to miscarry. She went home and had the miscarriage three days later, and then four days after was in critical care, which ended in her death. This story cropped up last year. Now Ireland is facing historic decisions and unprecedented rage, and debate. For the women of Ireland, the battle is on, and the outcome may cost lives. Here in America abortion has been under attack, but in Ireland just being pro choice is dangerous, but making a fake depiction of abortion can get you arrested. The whole Country is up in arms over their side on the abortion debate. Meanwhile many lives are affected by these laws with complete disregard to the suffering of the most important parties, the women. Ireland laws currently allow abortion only if the life of the mother is at stake, not if the h

Senate Says No To Atheist Chaplains!

It may come as no real surprising event that the bill too provide Atheist Chaplains to military personnel who classify themselves as nones, but there were some shocks along the road. Amazing that this even has to be voted on in the Senate, as it is, the surprise here could not be the fact that it was a majority no vote. Every Republican voted no, which should not be shocking. The most unearthing things come further in why it didn't pass. It was not just the arrogance of the Republicans which made this much needed bill to fail.It was also on the part of Democrats which had 44 votes of no. Now we tend to think of Democrats as liberal and open minded, but inevitably, some of them can bring their imaginary friends and religious bigotry to the Senate with them. That is exactly what happened. While that extra 44 votes may not have made it a majority vote, it would have meant a lot to those atheists in uniforms who are currently serving our country, and giving their lives

Why Dating an Atheist Can Be Impossible.

Atheists are far outnumbered, and this makes dating other atheists a hard task at best. So often atheists try to find non practicing or moderate Christians to date, and sometimes they just wind up falling in love. Like two different cultures, this can be hectic, straining, and sometimes quite impossible. Especially when you hit the triggers, and the debates come on. Many people can't survive the grand Canyon that comes between the two points of view. Many theists have a narrow scope of vision about atheists. The tend to think that we are just as religious about our lack of belief as they are about their belief. This couldn't be farther from the truth, though it is a rehearsed and reverberated lie sold to the masses at length. Most atheists have left the dogmatic thinking of resolved divine answers without questions, to question everything. Including why they believe anything and everything that they do. Some atheists have just abandoned the faith and see no reaso

The Pink Atheist Online Radio by The Godless Vagina | Blog Talk Radio

The Pink Atheist Online Radio by The Godless Vagina | Blog Talk Radio

You want Protest Birth Control, Why Don't We Protest Your Birth's?

You have to love it when hundreds of simple minded people show up to protest being forced to pay for birth control on insurance plans. The irony is so off the chart, I simply don't know where to begin. So I will just break it down for you. The average birth costs around five thousand dollars, and that is if everything goes great. If it doesn't and you have to have a c-section then the cost goes up to about twenty thousand. If the child is born early, by c-section or regular birth the cost can be as much as two hundred thousand dollars. (I know this because it happened to a friend of mine) yet no one was offended when insurance rates went up the next year for the whole company. No one turned to the mother of this child and said, "Thanks." Instead they attributed it to the higher risk and climbing costs of insurance and inflation. So birthing kids gets a pass, when it is horribly expensive. The average doctor visit is around two hundred dollars for a woman seekin

Arranged Marriage: What does love have to do with it?

A recent article in The New York Times highlighted the new wave of suicides taking place. While men seem satisfied with their part of the marriage, the women are saddened by their life sentence of marriage. While the blame is being placed on a new show coming from Turkey, clearly there is more to it than that. Young girls are taking their lives, and their doing it with guns. One girl shot herself in the abdomen with her brothers gun, in a serious suicide attempt. She tried to lie to her father about knowing if the gun was loaded, but he knew the truth. Now he promises he will not force her to go back to her husband, but hopes she will. It may seem less than shocking to some people used to this culture , but even a sociologist will explain this is extreme behavior for women to be using guns to kill themselves. Many women normally use pills as a method of suicide, since they would rather be left with their beauty, even in death, so when the guns come out, something has gone terribly

Group think: Can we ever escape it?

I was speaking on this topic in an article the other day. We as a society tend to follow trends. Even if our initial thinking was to avoid or abstain from one trend or another, it quickly becomes difficult. Society is built on the very basis of conformity. We can all get along better if we agree. This same mentality that works towards our aid and comfort can be destructive when perpetuated on the masses as an ideological doctrine. Questioning and defiance have their place in society, even if we tend to look down upon it. Some of the greatest changes in our history have come from men and women who did not conform. When Galileo said the earth was not the center of the universe and that it rotated around the sun, the church was enraged by this. He dared to challenge the idea that everything was set in motion with the aid and comfort of man in mind. He is just one example. When the Internet was created it shocked the world. Suddenly you could talk to people close by without a phone,