My Time as a writer

In the past I published articles, some of which have errors. I want to go back and correct those, but I find that it would be better going forward. So I have decided that I will instead keep going, and in time make a point to do so. I have had years to reflect on who I was before, and who I am now.

It began with healing, during my growth time I learned my role in a family that isn't healthy, and I was worried what that meant. Was I seeking to lead others, or were others seeking me to lead them. I still don't know, what I do know is that I like many people have a checkered past, its filled with a lot of pain, and things that are wrong. I can no longer be silent about it, or just let it fester under the surface.

I want to write about politics, and life, and all the good, bad, bitter sweet, kind loving things I see in this world. So while I can't promise to be who I was, I can promise who I will be.

Thank you for  reading this, and have the best day. Rachel


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