
Showing posts from May, 2019

Why I don’t feel sorry for Trump voters and will not.

The 2016 election cycle was rampant with Trump-isms, the news media focused on him so much it was hard to notice anyone, but him. He mocked the disabled, he used racist dog whistles, he made sexist comments, and spread hate for immigrants. One thing Trump made clear was his hate for anyone who stood against him. He called Ted Cruz’s wife a dog. He said the women who accused him of sexual harassment and even assault weren’t pretty enough to assault. He made it known that minorities really weren’t welcome at his rallies. He told people he was going to build a wall, “a big beautiful wall between Mexico and America.” Everything he said spent hours on news sites. It was a wall to wall Trump show. So when he won, and by won I mean accepted help from Russia, he set to work to keep the praise of those who got him there, including Russia. Since then some people have grown weary of his constant attacks on the media, the constitution, the investigation, and his political enemies. These people